DELTA is an apolitical and non-profit association created on October 3, 2009 by M. AMOUZOU AMEDEY K. Daniel. The Association aims to work for the effective development of orphans and abandoned children, homeless in society. It also engages in development projects. The objectives of the Association are to assist poor children, to combat prostitution, theft and delinquency of children, to work for the education and health monitoring of children and to prepare the future for children.
To achieve its objectives, the Association intends, among other means:
There are 3 governance bodies: Executive Board, audit committee and management committee.
Executive Office
The Executive Board is the administrative and management body of the Association. It is made up of a President, a vice president, a Secretary General, a Communication Secretary, a General Treasurer, a Rapporteur and three Councilors.
Audit Committee
To guarantee rigor and transparency, the founding president of the NGO DELTA, created an audit committee composed of a member appointed by the president, an independent person, a person appointed by the most important partner or sponsor.
Management Committee (ExCo)
The management committee is made up of a Managing Director appointed or represented by the founding president, a Deputy Managing Director appointed by the president, a Secretary General, a Director of projects and programs, a Director collections and communication, a Director of Partnerships and a Director of Treasury.